

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, found in the bones, muscles, skin, and tendons. It is the substance that holds the body together. Collagen forms a scaffold to provide strength and structure. It is the substance that holds the body together. The most essential ingredients of collagen are energy-36.00 kol, proties-90%, Carbohydrates-0%, sugar-0% and Far-0%. Marine collagen is a pure form of hypoallergenic protein produced from the skins of fish. Fish skins remaining from food production are thoroughly washed, then hydrolyzed by an acid and a food grade enzyme to yield marine collagen peptides, which have a low molecular weight for easy digestion and absorption. Collagen forms a scaffold to provide strength and structure. Endogenous collagen is natural collagen, synthesized by the body. Exogenous collagen is synthetic. It comes from an outside source, such as supplements. Collagen occurs throughout the body, but especially in the skin, bones, and connective tissues. Collagen production declines with age and exposure to factors such as smoking and UV light. Collagen can be used in collagen dressings, to attract new skin cells to wound sites. Cosmetic lotions that claim to increase collagen levels are unlikely to do so, as collagen molecules are too large to be absorbed through the skin.

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